We have a website!
We launched the Dos Estrellas website!
Daniel "Laer" Navarro Olmedo
8/1/20241 min read

I'm happy to present the web site of Dos Estrellas!
Since the moment that Countless Army was started, I had in mind that Dos Estrellas needed a web page and even if it comes a little bit late for the big quantity of work, it is finally here!
In this web site you'll find everything related with Dos Estrellas, and actually more of Countless Army. News, personal blogs, devblog, details about my other games, presskit, a contact mail to inform bugs or business things, social networks...and more!
About Countless Army, it is the game that I launched a few time ago, and the one I'm actually working on, I'll bring sneak peaks of updates, devblog and other news. All the info reunited in only one place!
I hope that you like the page!