More animations!
In this advance I show you a few of small upgrades that will be included in the 1.1.0
Daniel "Laer" Navarro Olmedo
9/10/20241 min read
Today I want to show some small upgrades that have been placed together because they aren’t really big.
To start off, I added a small animation on the routes when you choose troops:
With this you get a better glimpse of in which position you are placing a troop when you select them, by being more eye-catching.
The cards had changed, now you can choose less troops than cards you have in that moment:

With this some bugs that were around the selection of troops and cards have been fixed.
A new unlockable unit has been added to the end game. The idea with this one is to have fun conquering all the kingdoms. I don’t want to make a lot of spoilers so here is the silhouette:
Being a unit focused almost to active the “easy” mode, this one have a big power, by itself and helping the surrounding units.
This changes, as well the other I’ve shown and more will come at the end of this week with the update 1.1.0. I’m delayed compared with the times I had in my head but as I said more things that were planned in the roadmap have been added and some bugs that were hiding had been fixed.
I wait you all in the 1.1.0.